Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pending...Worries 等待中的焦虑

Three months holiday is coming to the end. While I review on what I had done during this period, I realised that nothing much I had done. No achievement accord to the target that I set at the beginning of this long holiday, but only little task I had completed.

Time past days by days very fast, and it never wait for anyone. I am going into my third year of study in HELP, and last year study will be more challenging than before. I should be well prepared before the new semester start. Therefore, I have to start something NOW!

Financial problem had put me into the mess. I dare not think about how to settle my tuition fee that I had to paid it next month. I am now someone with debts, even though it is not a big figure (Not my fault indeed). That is a worry.

Will seperate with girl friend soon for three months after new semester start. I had used to the day which stay beside her for those days here. I wish to spend more time to take care of her, even though she had the ability to take good care of herself (this is what couples always did). The days without her should be lonely. Second worry.

I will flood with DESCO jobs after three months hibernate. Planing and implementing all sports related activities, putting effort in order to accomplish annual ball with my committee mate, etc. I have to start my final report proposal, enroll for LAN subject....So much things I had to complete within 3 months. Question myself, AM I CAPABLE? Time is essential for me...Third worry.

Luckily, my elder brother will transfer and work in Singapore next month onward. So, there is someone who can look after my home and guard my youngest brother attitude, instead of me. He is always my worry, while he had typical teenager's mind.

There are so much worries, pending and approaching....

Olympic game started. China 100 years dream come true, Congratulation!!!!!

My cute nephew was just born this morning, I am UNCLE now. Congratulation!!!!!



经济困境仍然困扰着我。我没有办法去想象如何解决下个月就必须交缴的学杂费用(相信船到桥头自然直)。目前的我也算是债务人,虽然这个数目并不很大 (说真的,不能全怪我)。这是我第一个焦虑。







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