Thursday, October 22, 2009

United MCA? 马华大团结?

After the grant confusion of two months, president of MCA Datuk Sri Ong Tee Keat, ex-deputy president Datuk Sri Chua Soi Lek and current deputy president Datuk Sri Liow Tiong Lai agreed to co-operate in order to strengthen MCA and continuing leading MCA and the Chinese community of Malaysia to move forward. However, is it the happy ending? United MCA appeared?

As many people quoted: There will be no foreverness enemy among politicians. Ong and Chua promised to work together again upon the benefit of all. And the third party, the Liow's group also accepted the offer to lead the new MCA. I wonder this ending comes from all parties willingness or the pressure from outside MCA?

After the extraordinary general meeting, we realised that the central representative decision is not accorded with the Chinese community expectation. Nevertheless, from the result of 8th March the Chinese community expectation are not equal to their supportive to either Barisan National or MCA. This is another confusion of Malaysia Chinese community.

UMNO is changing now. Their annual general meeting had show their sincerity to make a advanced and peaceful Malaysia. Malay community is willing to be united, if Chinese community is still in a mess, Chinese status in Malaysia will be replaced by others.

Chinese should group together regardless which parties you come from, from that, co-operation with the others ethnic groups, to present the spirit of "1 Malaysia". Malaysia can be a progressive country if "1 Malaysia" become the solidarity faith of every Malaysian.

I have my all blessed to MCA on this ending and looking forward the positive future of Malaysia.







Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Drive carefully 小心驾驶

I saw many damaged cars was being towed today, I saw an dead accident near my house yesterday, I read news regarding road accident everyday.

I met an accident long time ago. During that accident, my car was knocked by a motorcyclist who fetching 3 kids on it. I was a fast driver in the past, but after this accident, I drive very careful all the times.

Since I got my driving license, I always remind myself in other to be a safe driver. Sometimes, I drive very fast but I drive fast only when I am in rush. I drove after I drunk once in a time, I regret to did so and I swear not to do it again in the future.Be a safe driver, be a responsible driver. Care about your own safety, and care about your beloved concern.




Monday, October 5, 2009

Started My Job 开始我的工作

Since 1st October 2009, I was off from my jobless life and stepped into new work place. Actually, I had been interview by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government during August, and was confirmed by one of the staff from that department. Due to some technical problem, the appointment letter only come out on the 30th September 2009. Sigh! This is the effect of bureaucracy that always happen in government sector. However, after one month waiting, now I can declare that I am not longer jobless and I am now a government official.

The title of my position is Pegawai Kemajuan Perkampungan (PKP), which translate to English means New Villages Development Official. My job is become a bridge between 9 head of the villages (Ketua Masyarakat) in KulaiJaya and the Ministry of Housing and Local Government regarding the project for upgrading facilities in village area.

Thanks for those who had given me the chances to accept this position and I promised to try my best and contribute the abilities and capabilities I had to the social.


