Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Speak Up With No Fear 敢怒敢言

Speak up with no fear became a very hot topic among MCA general election discussion. Dr Chua queries Datuk Ong's image on speak up with no fear. Both of them had aimed for MCA president chair.

In the past, most of the BN members dare not speak up on some unfair manner made by UMNO. This made UMNO had the most authority among BN members. Some of them abuse the right and cause some misunderstanding among races. However, after 308 general election, BN had beated badly. The BN members started blaming the failure to the abusement of UMNO leaders. The culture of 'speak up with no fear' created, and UMNO is now become more carefully on making some desicions in order to take care of the other members' feeling.

In MCA, there is some leaders who dare to speak. However, there are also some leaders who dare not to talk much in order that their official position are safe. I appreciate what Datuk Ong, as well as Mr. Wee done on some issues. They having outstanding performance on coming out some issue. They are, someone who really contribute to Chinese, as well as other races in Malaysia, and strike basic welfare for them.

Opposition parties, such as DAP, PKR, etc. most of their leaders, like Anwar, Lim father and son, etc. dare to speak up in many issues. They also take the risk of arrested under ISA, sometimes, to show their dissatisfied. Public like the way they done. However, we should also analyse the whole picture of the issue. Do no judge something too fast by looking at its cover, as it might lead to a regret in the future.

As be fair to everyone, I queries Hindraf on the issue of Hindu temple being backout by Klang city council. Why Hindraf do not speak out anything or give comments on this while Hindraf raise the roof on the same issue in the past? Is it because of the ministerial party differences?




此外,一些反对党如行动党、公正党等领袖, 例如安华、林吉祥父子等,都非常勇敢的在一些课题上发言。他们也冒着被内安法令名堂下拘捕的风险来表达他们的不满。公众都非常喜欢他们这样的作风。但是,我们应该多了解整个课题的内容,避免在非常表面了解的情况下作出判断,造成日后的遗憾。


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