Thursday, October 22, 2009

United MCA? 马华大团结?

After the grant confusion of two months, president of MCA Datuk Sri Ong Tee Keat, ex-deputy president Datuk Sri Chua Soi Lek and current deputy president Datuk Sri Liow Tiong Lai agreed to co-operate in order to strengthen MCA and continuing leading MCA and the Chinese community of Malaysia to move forward. However, is it the happy ending? United MCA appeared?

As many people quoted: There will be no foreverness enemy among politicians. Ong and Chua promised to work together again upon the benefit of all. And the third party, the Liow's group also accepted the offer to lead the new MCA. I wonder this ending comes from all parties willingness or the pressure from outside MCA?

After the extraordinary general meeting, we realised that the central representative decision is not accorded with the Chinese community expectation. Nevertheless, from the result of 8th March the Chinese community expectation are not equal to their supportive to either Barisan National or MCA. This is another confusion of Malaysia Chinese community.

UMNO is changing now. Their annual general meeting had show their sincerity to make a advanced and peaceful Malaysia. Malay community is willing to be united, if Chinese community is still in a mess, Chinese status in Malaysia will be replaced by others.

Chinese should group together regardless which parties you come from, from that, co-operation with the others ethnic groups, to present the spirit of "1 Malaysia". Malaysia can be a progressive country if "1 Malaysia" become the solidarity faith of every Malaysian.

I have my all blessed to MCA on this ending and looking forward the positive future of Malaysia.







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